History of Gaza Kingdom…
The Tsonga people are not a homogeneous Ethnic group that can trace its roots back to a single
Founder. Our Forefathers came from present day Mozambique to settle In South Africa in the 19th Century.
Today the Tsonga People are centred mainly in the lowveld between the Escarpment and western borders of the Kruger National Park.
The name shanghaan is derived from the name shoshangane, a nguni warrior that fled from Shaka and his Zulu Impis on the Mhlatuze River Banks, present day Ulundi.
The Gaza Kingdom is named in honour of Shoshangane’s grandfather who lived in the Mkuze district of Zululand, began to emerge along the eastern edge of the escarpment and in the steamy bush of the coastal plain.
In 1833 when a Zulu expedition was sent forth to attack Shoshaghane and his allies. In the face of this war shoshaghane and his followers fled from their settlement to the Limpopo Valley. They advanced to the Zambezi River to settle in Mosapa (Zimbabwe).
Since 1833, a period of peace ensued, during which, during which the Ndwadwe (Shangaans) and the Tsonga influenced each other. This was intensified after 1838, when he moved back to the Limpopo Valley.
In 1838, when Shoshangane moved back to the Limpopo valley his troops devasted the area, as he punished his enemies, enslaved women and children and demanded heavy payment of tribute. This turmoil dislodged two streams of refugees from the coastal plain.
In the 1850s Tsonga immigrants made their home in the Spelonken Foothills of the kingdom out of profits made from the same of slaves and ivory.
For more history go to www.gazakingdom.co.za or
Facebook.com//proudly tsonga
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